Several years ago, my new years resolution was to not eat fast food with the exception of In-n-Out Burger. Aside from a few Carl's Jr. salads on desperate road trips with high school students to Mexico, I've stuck to this commitment without regret. Life is WAY too short for fast food.
Portland's nearest In-n-Out is in Redding, CA, which is a day's drive and I'm in no hurry. But we caught wind of a burger joint that could possibly compare to In-n-Out: Five Guys Famous Burgers and Fries. Quite honestly, I was impressed. There were a LOT more options (their website says, you can actually build your burger 250,00 different ways) and their fries were tasty and perfect thickness.
Classic burger joint ambiance... note Ducks fan in right corner. |
Five Guys actually started out in Virgina and in the last twenty years has expanded to over 40 states. There are a few things that set them apart, one of which is EVERYTHING in the restaurant is fresh. There are NO freezers in any Five Guys, all the beef and veggies are fresh. They also only use peanut oil for their frying and cooking. While some of the numbers were scary, I appreciated this as the only faster food joint to have the calories right next to the prices over head the counter.
And fries, hand cut fresh from potatoes bagged specifically for Five Guys.
In-n-Out will always be In-n-Out, but not bad for a burger and fries lunch with friends. We left, all smiles, and will most likely return.
Chris, Brit and Taylor (soon to be Oregonians with us!) |
Who says lunch can't be a grand ol' time?! |

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